Spend your time making art.

We created a marketplace for you to spend your creative energies doing more important things rather than trying to sell your art to new audiences.

Art first.

We created Mantel to connect professional artists with customers. We were tired of high quality artists getting lost in huge website databases. The idea is simple- get you a customers who value high quality art without the gallery mark-up.

Most galleries charge 50% mark up for your art.

We all need to make money somehow but that amount just seems a little too high for our liking. We believe in being transparent with our pricing with only a 30% charging mark-up. That’s more money back to you and a happier price for our customers.

Make it stand out.

We keep the number of artists for our site deliberately small for a reason. Customers do not want to spend hours shifting through sites to find something that works for them in their budget. Your art gets more viewers without getting lost in the shuffle.

Support from a team business experts just for listing your art with us.


Support from a team of MBAs who are #artnerds at heart. We might not know how to sketch but when it comes to spreadsheets, we are experts. Mantel supports all its artists by providing free business consulting when those accounting questions come up.

Now Accepting Artists

Mantel is currently scheduled for a soft launch this February. Please reach out using the email below for more details.


““If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”

— Emile Zola